Schedule & Plans

What we'll be doing in the Spring 2022 Semester

Next Meeting: 7 Feb 2022, 6:00pm, GOL-2690 with remote Discord option available.

The club currently meets on a weekly basis on Monday evenings. Meetings normally consist of:

  • Discussion of current events and recent developments in the blockchain space

  • A presentation on a featured topic or protocol given by a member of the club

  • Design and distribution of an "I showed up and all I got was this NFT" token

A tentative schedule is laid out below:

DateTopicDifficulty Level (lower is easier)

Jan 24

Intro / Current Events

Jan 31


Feb 7

DeFi Project Discussion

Feb 14

TBD / Teaching Blockchain at RIT

Feb 21

Crypto Taxes: Does the IRS care about my monkey?

Feb 28

Crypto Careers Presentation with TBD Guest Speaker

Mar 7

Spring Break🌴

Mar 14

TBD (Something related to Brickhack)

Mar 21

Putting the "We" in Web3: Zapper.Fi Guest Speaker

Last updated